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recreate your life story from the inside out
Do you ever look at your life and have a yearning for something more, something deeper?
But you need the guidance to lead you
REVITALIZE is a transformative 21-day workshop designed to help you step into a story and a life path that is truly yours. In just 15 minutes a day, you’ll gain laser-sharp focus, claim your inner power, and revitalize your life story.
This workshop gives you the tools to transform how you think, feel, and act — all in a simple, practical, and fun way.
It constitutes my bespoke system on how you can measurably and pleasurably recreate your life story in as little as 15 minutes a day.

Tell me if this sounds familiar…
You feel like there’s something more to life — something deeper — but you’re not sure how to reach it.
It doesn’t have to be like this.
just imagine if you could:
Enjoy food again
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Feel energized
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean diam dolor, accumsan sed rutrum vel, dapibus et leo.
Create lasting habits
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean diam dolor, accumsan sed rutrum vel, dapibus et leo.
Reduce stress levels
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean diam dolor, accumsan sed rutrum vel, dapibus et leo.
Find balance
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Love your body
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean diam dolor, accumsan sed rutrum vel, dapibus et leo.
hi, i’m annette
As the creator of REVITALIZE, I bring over 30 years of experience in storytelling, psychology, and philosophy.
Drawing from my personal and academic studies, I’ve developed a unique system that blends ancient myths, modern research, and powerful tools to help you consciously shape your life. I’ll guide you step by step through the process, ensuring that you not only understand the methods but feel their transformative effects almost instantly.

A 21-DAY SELF-PACED workshop to Transform your LIFE

In this workshop, you’ll receive:
This course is NOT for you if:

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get started
Are you ready to tap into your inner power?
revitalize VIP
workshop + 1:1 mentoring
kind words about Revitalize
Frequently Asked Questions
Make this the moment you prioritize yourself
You can continue down your current path, or you can choose to make a change and achieve the results you’ve dreamt of. I’m here to support you every step of the journey.
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Questions? I have answers!
is this workshop right for me?
REVITALIZE is perfect for you if
- you are craving more meaning and depth in your life and in your work
- you would like a fulfilling sense of being in control of writing your own life story rather than having it controlled by random events and other people’s behaviour
- you are tired of spending way too much of your life looking at a tiny screen for a gratification that never really comes for more than a fraction of a second
REVITALIZE is not so good for you if
- you are okay with having much of your life and your work determined by things beyond your control
- you would prefer to continue your life on autopilot, spending hours a day (= months a year) staring at your phone
- you don’t like stories of any kind
One of my life mottos is that you cannot decide how LONG your life will be, but you can completely control how DEEP it will be. And REVITALIZE – like all my work – is designed on the basis of that credo.
So you probably shouldn’t enroll if you are happy to just live a superficial life story.
will i be able to participate if i am very busy?
You can participate in this workshop at your own pace.
You have permanent access to all the material, so you can spend as much or as little time as you want. And you can decide for yourself precisely when you want to go through the modules.
Optimally you should spend about 15 minutes a day for at least the 21 days.
The 3 masterclasses take about an hour each, but again, you can watch them when you want, and in whatever segments you choose.
It’s much better to practise a little bit every day than not doing it at all.
why is this the best time ever to rewrite my story?
There has never been a better time to learn how to master these things to recreate your story than now.
We are all a bit battered and bruised after all the traumatizing events of the last few years.
But as paralyzing as these events have been, the truth is that now is the perfect time to decide whether you want to pretend to go back to your old story and all the things it contained (which actually is not even possible) or to consciously and deliberately design a new story containing more things you desire, and fewer things you just tolerate or take for granted.
And as the saying goes, there’s no time like the present.
what can i get out of the workshop?
Scientific research has shown that we can drastically and measurably change our mood, sense of wellbeing, health, and the results we achieve in our life and business by knowing how to use stories, archetypes, movies, images, and the thoughts and words we use to talk about our life. The results the brain sends into our body when we learn to use these things deliberately has an instant effect.
In this workshop you will learn how to actively and systematically master these things to regain your focus and motivation and become more conscious of what kind of life story you are actually creating. You will learn to become the writer and director of, as well as the main character in, your own story, and create the path you really desire to walk.
what happens when I sign up?
When you sign up, you get a welcome email. And at the same time of day on the following 21 days, you will get an email containing the daily lesson.
On days 4 + 11 + 18 you will get access to a video workshop which takes about an hour.
Week 1 will teach your to master words & thoughts
Week 2 will teach you to master images & movies
Week 3 will teach you to master stories & archetypes
At the end of the 21 days, you will get a bonus gift and a replay page where you will have permanent, lifetime access to the videos and all future updates.
None of this is the least bit difficult, and you will receive instructions on how to do it all.
The workshop takes place in your own home, office, hotel room, or wherever you are in the world.
You can participate no matter where you are (as long as you have an internet connection) and at any time of day that works for you.
how are you qualified to teach this workshop?
There’s no need to reinvent the wheel every time we want to move forward. Often we can create a new path more quickly and securely if we follow competent people who have already blazed exciting trails.
I’m Annette Wernblad, MA, and I am a cultural mythologist. I was educated at the University of Copenhagen, but I have spent my entire life studying how stories, movies, literature, and archetypes affect us – and how, by becoming more conscious of their deep power, we can get so much more out of our precious lives.
For more than 30 years I have taught university level courses and workshops, and I am an internationally published author, course creator, and educator.
In my personal life I consistently use all the content of this workshop – the power of stories, myths, and archetypes – to deepen my experience, stay on my chosen path, and create the most deliberate, authentic, and exciting story imaginable.
The REVITALIZE workshop can teach you how to do the same. Are you ready to become the author and director of your own story – to truly be the main character in it? Are you ready to take a quantum leap with me and step into a brand new story that you yourself create?